MyRPL What is ...

What is VisualPick:

Select a level on the stack using the mouse (left click ) and press the VisualPick button. 
Data is sent to stack level 1.

What is R^:

R^ is Roll Up 4 levels.
It is the inverse of RDN ( Roll Down 4 levels )

What is RDN3:

RDN3 is roll down 3 levels

What is RDN:

Suppose that we have the following data in the first four levels of the stack:

4: 15
3: 20
2: 25 
1: 30

We execute RDN.  The result is:

4: 30
3: 15
2: 20
1: 25

Data in levels 2 to 4 are moved down one level. 
Data in level 1 is put on level 4.

When RDN3 is used it is the same of RDN with only the first three levels.
Data in levels 2 and 3 are moved down one level.
Data in level 1 is put on level 3

Roll Up:

If we have in the first 4 levels of stack:

4: 30
3: 15
2: 20
1: 15

and we press R^, we obtain:

4: 15
3: 20
2: 15
1: 30

Data in the first 3 levels are moved up 1 level.
Data in level 4 is put on level 1.