SIM41E Easy-plotter manual ------------------- Easy Plotter is attached to the "Main Context menu". Right click on the calculator background outside the keys and outside the display to show the menu. If mouse right click fails use left click. Press ESC key on your computer to stop endless programs. Origin: Upper left corner: Coordinates (0,0) x is horizontal incrementing from left to right. y is vertical incrementing down x and y are in pixels. Plotter commands: x1 [ENTER] y1 [XEQ] [alpha] "DOT" [alpha] Draws a dot at point (x1,y1) To draw many dots put the calculator on Turbo mode. (Recommended) x1 [ENTER] y1 [ENTER] x2 [ENTER] y2 [XEQ] [alpha] "LINE" [alpha] Draws a line between point (x1,y1) and point (x2,y2) x1 [ENTER] y1 [ENTER] x2 [ENTER] y2 [XEQ] [alpha] "BOX" [alpha] Draws a box between point (x1,y1) and point (x2,y2) x1 [ENTER] y1 [ENTER] radius [XEQ] [alpha] "CIRCLE" [alpha] Draws a circle with center at point (x1,y1) and given radius x1 [ENTER] y1 [ENTER] radius [ENTER] aspect [XEQ] [alpha] "ELLIPSE" [alpha] Draws an ellipse with center at point (x1,y1), given radius and given aspect: Specifies the aspect ratio of the ellipse. The default value is 1.0, which produces a perfect (nonelliptical) circle. Values greater than 1.0 produce a vertical ellipse; values less than 1.0 produce a horizontal ellipse. x1 [ENTER] y1 [ALPHA] text [ALPHA] [XEQ] [alpha] "TEXT" [alpha] Draws a text string at point (x1,y1) color number [XEQ] [alpha] "PENCOLOR" [alpha] Select a pen color with number in x register. Number between 0 to 16777215 (integer) color number [XEQ] [alpha] "BACKCOLOR" [alpha] Select a background color with number in x register. Number between 0 to 16777215 (integer) red [ENTER] green [ENTER] blue [XEQ] [alpha] "RGBPEN" [alpha] Select a pen color given red, green and blue components Each component between 0 and 255. (integer) red [ENTER] green [ENTER] blue [XEQ] [alpha] "RGBBACK" [alpha] Select a background color given red, green and blue components Each component between 0 and 255. (integer) [ALPHA] font name [ALPHA] [XEQ] [alpha] "FONTNAME" [alpha] Select the font name for the following text strings number [XEQ] [alpha] "FONTSIZE" [alpha] Select the font size for the following text strings. number [XEQ] [alpha] "WIDTH" [alpha] Select pen width [XEQ] [alpha] "CLEAR" [alpha] Clear the canvas. (paint region) Examples: SIM41 programs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program1 100 50 DOT Draws a dot on x=100,y=50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 2 10 20 80 100 LINE Draws a line from (10,20) to (80,100) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 3 20 30 100 200 BOX Draws a box from (20,30) to (100,200) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 4 100 100 80 CIRCLE Draws a circle with center at (100,100) and radius equal to 80 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 5 100 100 80 1.5 ELLIPSE Draws an ellipse with center at (100,100), major semiaxis=80 and with aspect=1.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 6 100 100 80 0.6 ELLIPSE Draws a second ellipse with center at (100,100), major semi axis=80 and aspect=0.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 7 100 200 "HELLO" TEXT Prints hello on x=100, y=200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 8 255 0 0 RGBPEN Changes pen color to red ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 9 0 0 255 RGBBACK Changes the color of canvas to blue ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 10 "COURIER NEW" FONTNAME Changes the font of pen to Courier New --------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 11 "ARIAL" FONTNAME Changes the pen's font to Arial --------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 12 10 FONTSIZE Changes the pen's fontsize to 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 13 1000000 PENCOLOR Set the pen color to 1 million --------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 14 0 BACKCOLOR Color of canvas is changed to black --------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 15 16777215 BACKCOLOR Color of canvas changed to white --------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 16 16777215 PENCOLOR Color of pen is white now --------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 17 CLEAR Erase all on the canvas. --Paint region cleared-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Program 18 4 WIDTH Pen width changed to 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: Color ranges from 0 (black) to 16777215 (white) HP41 programs using DOT to paint very complex figures could be slow ... so turn on TURBO MODE.